Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Dos Cincous CF will join Sirionactive futsal tournament"

To all Dos Cincous CF players.. please be reminded that .. manager akan menurun kn 1 team for this Sirionactive tournament. I try to book on the 16th August 2008 , which is Malam Minggu.. i hope semua nada masalah.. ok tu?~ Payment.. $10 seorang bayar tah awal2 tym trima lah bisai uhmm ...Minuman Sndiri.. Lau ada ration dari cookhouse lagi baik~.. HAHAHA!! atu ya na mo rugi~

Squad Name

Ak Alim aka Bryan or Angelina Jolie
Jalilul aka Jlo or TangiL
Hamdi aka Spanar
Fadly aka b0b0
Hazlami aka Aleng
Hakim aka Saphire or PremiumVodka!
Afiq aka Peg or RedSubie
Salleh aka ike or Ike Ike!!
Arif aka Reeve
Martino aka Prait

Jangan tu lupa tu yoh~...

GudLuck Dos! Thank You


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